How Stupid Are You?

This is a quiz to see if your a stupid idiot. now have fun. try to get the 0 to 16% message and thats good... have fun... you should at least. HI! Just remember this is a quiz hi i like pie do you?

just see if your stupid. HI AGAIN! so do you like penguins? i do its good for you to like penguins. There also cool i want a piece of pie. I love being stupid its so fun lets have a sexy party!

Created by: Tyler
  1. Are you stupid?
  2. Whats Donkey Kong's name?
  3. Whats 2+2=?
  4. Whats the answer?
  5. Which word is spelled correctly?
  6. Which is way is which?
  7. Which of the following is a instrument?
  8. Which one of the following is a game for nintendo?
  9. Yes or no?
  10. Finnaly... Define stupid..

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Quiz topic: How Stupid am I?