How strong are you?

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Have you ever wondered how strong you are or wanted to know how much above average you will be? If so, Don't worry! This test will help you eliminate your questions about how strong you are!

What is your body type? Are you muscular? Skinny? Fat? medium? Well, your questions will be answered by clicking a few buttons! Have a nice one because it won't be your last one!

Created by: Romeo4774
  1. How old are you?
  2. How often do you workout or go to the gym?
  3. How much sleep do you get?
  4. What is your diet?
  5. Since how long have you been working out
  6. Do people say you look strong or are strong
  7. What is your max deadlift?
  8. How much stamina do you have?
  9. How much water do you drink
  10. Have you ever won a fight?
  11. Do you have abdominal muscles
  12. How many Situps can you do?
  13. How many inches biceps do you have?
  14. How many pushups can you do?
  15. Do you think you are strong?
  16. If you ran and didn't stop, how long could you run for?
  17. How much do you weigh? (Muscle mass)
  18. What is your maximum bench press?
  19. What is your maximum squat?
  20. What is your maximum barbell curl?
  21. How many pullups can you do?

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Quiz topic: How strong am I?
