How strict are your parents

There are parents out their who are care free along with parents who are so strict you can't Evan breath without being grounded however this quiz will help you find out how strict your parents really are

Do you have the strictest parents on the planet or parents planning to let you be a punk. Nobody wants strict parents but is what we think is unfair really so mean our are parents really normal find out by taking this quiz

Created by: Alice

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your on a family holiday. Do you.....
  2. When you were 12 years old (girls only) were you aloud makeup
  3. when we're you aloud social networking
  4. We're you ever aloud sleepovers
  5. How often were you aloud to buy sweets
  6. Do your parents costently call you little young
  7. When did you get a phone
  8. What was your phone at 13 or if you didn't have a phone at 13 what was your first phone you had
  9. Your parents get a phone call from school saying you have been in a fight what do your parents do?
  10. Your parents get a phone call from school saying you have been in a fight what do your parents do?
  11. Did you enjoy the quiz (this dousn't affect your score

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Quiz topic: How strict am Ir parents