How Steeler are you

There are a ton of people who think they are so cool but you are not cool unless you know the Pittsburgh Steelers like the back of your hand only the score of 100% is excepted in my rule or you are screwed big time

Are YOU a Steelers Fan lets see put your mind to the test and see if you are a TRUE PITTSBURGH STEELERS FAN and you better succeed if you even have a thought that you are a true Steelers Fan

Created by: Zach
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is the founder the Pittsburgh Steelers
  2. What was the Pittsburgh Steelers original name
  3. When were they established
  4. How many Super Bowls have the Steelers won
  5. Who are the quarterbacks who won the Superbowls
  6. How many Super Bowls have the Steelers been to
  7. Who was the MVP in Super Bowl XL
  8. Who was the MVP in Super Bowl IX
  9. Who was the MVP in Super Bowl X
  10. Who was the MVP in Super Bowl XIII and XIV

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Quiz topic: How Steeler am I