How Square Are You?

This is a quiz for Freemasons. It's a little bit of fun, there are no Masonic secrets divulged but you are expected to be perfect. The questions on age and gender are common to all these quizzes and are not scored.

Are you a Freemason? Are you sure? This quiz will find out. It will reveal true Masons and expose cowans by a series of carefully crafted questions. The answers are secret! So, how Square are you?

Created by: squarepages of Square Pages
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Step off?
  2. Travel?
  3. The Widow's Son?
  4. Greetings
  5. Charity
  6. Whither directing your course?
  7. TGAOTU?
  8. The Grand Lodge of England was founded in?
  9. Masonry?
  10. Happy to Meet, Happy to Part, Happy to ...?
  11. The Grand Master of UGLE is ...

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Quiz topic: How Square am I?