Do you have OJD??

There are many Jonas fans who claim to have OJD. While it is catching, there aren't as many as people think there are. A true fan with OJD really loves all 3 brothers in the band, including Kevin. OJD is not a real disease, more like a mindset.

Are YOU a Jonas fan with OJD? Do you have every square inch of your bedroom covered in JB posters? Now is the time to find out whether or not you're a fan, or a FAN!

Created by: kassidy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the name of Jb's first album?
  2. Joe's middle name is...........
  3. Where is Kevin in the Jonas Order??
  4. Which brother had the solo career?
  5. The fourth Jonas's name is
  6. Nick's birthday is
  7. Which Jonas Brother is secretly Superman??
  8. The Jonas Brothers appeared on what Disney Channel show??
  9. Team Hilario is from where...........
  10. Which brother is named after their father?
  11. Mandy was............
  12. The Jonas Brother have NOT been on which show as of 4/26/08??
  13. Which brother is diabetic?

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Quiz topic: Do I have OJD??