How sporty are you?

There are many sporty people, but few true geniuses. Genius is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a genius? A sporty one is skilful, clever, tactical and many more...

Are YOU a sport one? Find out by doing this quiz. Don't just wonder how clever you are KNOW how clever you are. In a few seconds you will have your answer.

Created by: liverpool
  1. How many people are on a football/soccer pitch
  2. Do you play sports outside at your local park/green
  3. Do you have a shirt of your favourite team
  4. Do you keep track to sport news, what is it
  5. How long have you been interested in sports
  6. Do you play or coach a football team
  7. What kind of boots do you have
  8. Do you have friends that play a sport
  9. What made you into sports
  10. Have you ever been on a tour of your favourite team

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Quiz topic: How sporty am I?