How Spiritually strong are you?

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I made this quiz for people to see the truth about life , when I was 5 I suffered from severe depression and my family would bully me and beat me , I would pray every day just to get hurt again , then I went insane at age 11 and that made me the weirdo that I am today xD my Facebook is Anabelle Cardona ( The Dumpling Mastah )

So xD are you spiritual enough to handle the awesome benefits of having that can help you through certain situations? , spiritual energy can be used by your zodiac sign and abilities

Created by: Anabelle Cardona

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you believe in The greedy Jesus Christ , or do you believe in yourself
  2. Do you feel auras or any spiritual power?
  3. What kind of music do you listen to?
  4. What's the color that you feel in your heart the most?
  5. Do you believe in a religion ( Jesus , Buddha ect ) , or are you just spiritual
  6. Have you had depression , bad life experiences ect
  7. Are you intrested in love or sex?
  8. If you went insane at age 11 from God never being their for you , would you still believe in him or would you start believing in yourself?
  9. Are you afraid of demons?
  10. Ok last one , you do realize that having spiritual power isn't about religion , it's not about god , people can make you feel like crap just because you don't go to church , but going to church doesn't make them good people , it just means they're so lazy they can't choose for themselves so they worship god thinking that they're so special , but they're not , Did you know that?

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Quiz topic: How Spiritually strong am I?