How spiritual are you ?

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Being spiritual isnt about sitting and hmmmming all your stress out . I personally dont even do that . Meditating is one of the teqniques of becoming connected with the world around you .

Im going to quote a few words from Guru Pathik . He once said : The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation . Things we think are separate and different are actually one in the same . So the first question are actually in this paragraph ... Ask yourself this : Are you any different from the person sitting next to you or whom youve just seen ? Your answer will tell you how spirited you are and I dont need to give you the answer because I think you can geuss for yourself.

Created by: Kayleigh
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you meditate?
  2. Do you believe in cosmic powers e.g :Auras , Chakras...
  3. Do you have certain abilities others dont have ?
  4. Do you feel like you have a certain purpose in life ?
  5. What do you like most ?
  6. What do you feel when you meditate ?
  7. Out of these chosen Tv shows which one is for you ?
  8. What is knowledge ... to you ?
  9. Would you ...
  10. If you were given the opportunity to visit the Shaolin Temples in China to spend a week with monks would you accept it ?

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Quiz topic: How spiritual am I ?