How snart do you think you are?

smart people come and take this quiz to see if you really are smart! you'll be happy if you take this you'll have more smarts! there is nothing to say. there is nothing to say there is nothing to say.

please take this quiz you will have more common sense. you'll be glad you took it afterwards! stop reading and take this quiz please there is nothing to say here move along.

Created by: Kitty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if 30% florida voted george bush in the 2008 election and california voted 68% on george bush in the election what percent would it be?
  2. ther are 2000 pebbles in a fish tank. you take a scoop out. estimated how many pebbles are left?
  3. there are four pairs of shoes. take away two pairs. how many shoes are left?
  4. If you tied four strings together, how many knots are there?
  5. How old were you when you were 5?
  6. if there r 4 squirrels in a tree and then then 2 run down, 1 run up and 3 run down how many squirrels r up in the tree?
  7. it's 4 degrees outside. then it drops 10 degrees and goes up 20. what is the temperature?
  8. octopus have 8 tentacles. if one had nine would it still be an octopus?
  9. 2+3
  10. 2+2

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Quiz topic: How snart do I think you are?