How smart is tf2 for you?

I'm tired of typing. So just know this: You will fail unless you pray to me, Gaben. Cause yes I'm totally Gaben so don't even ask. Or I will ba you from all of tf2. Lol really? You may ask that? Hell no cause I'm not gaben? Jk I may be.

But really, take this test. You may be a genius (doubtful) or you may fail (100% chance of failed, unless you don't). Whenever you feel upset, just remember how amazing this quiz was.

Created by: Solly OllyOlly
  1. How many classes can you be as?
  2. is the David Loch n load a funny name?
  3. Which class can do jumping jacks as a taunt?
  4. What is the new game coming out (Only a tr00 tf2 fan would know)?
  5. What weapon always gets critical hits no matter what?
  6. What do you type in the console to never stop grooving?
  7. What way to play pyro as?
  8. What is the newestly added weapon to the game?
  9. Who is the best player currently in tf2?
  10. What is the class that needs the least skill to play?
  11. Last one: Did you like this book?

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