How smart are you with money?

Are you smart with money? People who are smart with money tend to have better financial rich-ness than others. If you get good results on this quiz, congrats!

Please enjoy this quiz, although I did not take up more than 30 mins it is my first quiz! As always I try to have propper spelling and grammer at all times!

Created by: Matti

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. At the end of the week you spend ______ of your $750 paycheck.
  2. You make $100 a week, your friend asked to borrow $50 of say..
  3. Every year you make 50,000, a new car you want costs 10,000..which would be 1/5 of your yearly money, do you buy the car?
  4. Your laptop broke and it will cost $150 to fix, $150 could buy you 3 weeks worth of food and an MP3 player, do you fix it?
  5. You really want to impress your friends by buying the new 'in' jeans, which are half of your weekly you buy the jeans?
  6. How smart do you think you are with money?
  7. You broke your $500 t.v. and you have no warranty on it, do you buy a new one or go without one for 6 mo's.?
  8. You are now finished with the quiz!
  9. The last few questions I will tell you how I came up with this quiz subject and scoring! None of these questions go toward scoring.
  10. Alright so this is the last one so here goes- How I came up with this quiz: I looked at the 'quiz name idea's' and found this quiz name, I did not take longer than 30 mins to do this quiz so oot may not bo 100% accurate! Scoring: Well the scoring is pretty simple. Every question is +1 for okay-ish and scores may vary for the other two results!

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Quiz topic: How smart am I with money?