How Smart are you? (What do you know?)

This quiz is a bunch of difficult / Easy questions. I bet you have not heard any of these before in your life. Not to scare you, but its pretty tough. Good Luck. Think Carefully!

"Thank you so much for taking the genius quiz. If you scored high, congratulations, yours is major league brain. If you scored not so well, hey you can't win them all!"

Created by: Nathan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who holds the record for the actor to star in the most consecutive $100 million-grossing movies?
  2. Who became the 2nd actress to join the $20 million club after Julia Roberts?
  3. The Word "Floccinaucinihilipilification" means...
  4. 2*60+6/3+265-605*3000+4-2= *= Multiply += Add /= Divide -= Subtrack
  5. The Word "Heimganger" means...
  6. In Oklahoma it is illegal for...
  7. Which person was married in black leather pants?
  8. Golf was banned in England in 1457 because...
  9. Which of the following NFL teams traditionally hosts an annual Thanksgiving day ?
  10. Who was voted high school homecoming queen?
  11. What Holiday was established in California in 1966 by scholar/activist Dr. Maulana Kareng?
  12. The Silhouette on the national baseball association is...
  13. The Definition of the word Finnimbrun means...
  14. What Christmas movie appears more than any other during the holiday season?
  15. In what state is it illegal to fish from a Giraffe's back?
  16. Eviscerating means?
  17. Which actors / Actress parents own a refrigerator company?
  18. What item below began as a weapon in the 16th century in the Philippines and weighed 4 lbs and has a 20 foot cord?
  19. In what state is is illegal to catch a fish with your bare hands?

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Quiz topic: How Smart am I? (What do I know?)