How smart are you?

Do you know how smart you are? Well find out here! Are you a human calculator or a bit of a Dumbo? I bet you are all better than me lol! 😅

There are many smart people out there, so if you get a bad result, don't be offended because its not accurate. Thankyou for taking the test anyway! 😃

Created by: Holly
  1. How smart do you think you are?
  2. Did you go to college/university? (or are planning to)
  3. What did you get for GCSE?
  4. Spare time?
  5. If A=4, what is 5xA then doubled?
  6. Great, I have all the info I need!
  7. If you had school today, did you get told off at all?
  8. How's life?
  9. Job interests?
  10. Like 👍 and comment ✏ ?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?