how smart are you

my test is to see ho smart you may be in school or work concepts so it does not matter if you get a low score just keep on working and you will eventually be at a really high level.

even if you eventually don't achieve a really high level in this everyone is a human so who cares if you're not the smartest you still have a lot of potential.

Created by: connor
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. E=?WHAT
  2. do you hate school/work
  3. 9+2=?
  4. what are the first 5 letters of pie
  5. do you pay attention in class/work
  6. 5 questions left
  7. whats 9+10
  8. its almost over
  9. does your teacher like you
  10. are you fast at reading

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Quiz topic: How smart am I