How smart are you?

Use this quiz to figure out if you really are smart and done belong in first grade anymore. Also, sorry about the last 4 questions, I didn't want to do those at all.

Are YOU smart? Find out by taking this quiz. Just so you know, all of the questions are super easy unless you can't read... You don't have to think too much for this quiz, so have fun with it!

  1. Ok, let's start with the easy ones. 1+1=...
  2. Which are healthier, candy and sugar or fruits and vegetables?
  3. Rer?
  4. ?
  5. How many days a week do you eat candy?
  6. Are you enjoying this quiz? ( no effect )
  7. I don't wanna add anymore questions so you can submit answers now if you want?
  8. Comment?
  9. Rate?
  10. Jfkdjncvfyydrbhf?
  11. Dcfggjrdygbkfghv?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?