How Smart are you??

Do you think your a genius or not? If you don't know you should take this quiz. In this quiz you will find out if you are smart or not. So take this quiz and you'll find out.

Take this quiz so you will see if your smart or not. You will answer some questions to see how smart you are so take this quiz so you can see if your smart or not!!

Created by: Brandon
  1. Do you like reading books?
  2. If you could chose to get extra credit would you??
  3. Do you talk during class??
  4. Do you like taking notes in class.
  5. Do you study for tests??
  6. Do you mess around in class?
  7. How much sleep do you get??
  8. Are you healthy?
  9. Do you like school?
  10. What's you favorite subject in school?
  11. Do you like your teachers??
  12. Do you have good grades??

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Quiz topic: How Smart am I??