How smart are you?

here are lots of smart people but a few are gieuises if your not that smart just try harder an a smart is able to see the world through the right point of view

are you a smarty pants? Do you have the power to earn that name but thanks to this you will know your smartness in a few minutes you will see all of you smatrs

Created by: stephanie
  1. What is 11 x 11 + 52 - 23
  2. what is a worms favorite food
  3. What does a butterfly use to drink necter?
  4. If you are born in december 2nd what day will it be next week
  5. What does a butterfly use to drink necter?
  6. what part of your body protects your brain
  7. how much water is in your body
  8. what causes cancer?
  9. who was the 13th president?
  10. what is the u.s flower symbol

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?