How smart are you

Hey! Have you ever wonder how smart you are? well now you can find out! I wanted to create this quiz because i wanted to make this for the people that wonder how smart they are.

please take this quiz.Are you smart? in just a few minutes you will find out. Sorry if i sound like i'm being mean, i'm not. and enjoy the quiz!! i hope you score high.

Created by: puppals1

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If you have a nickel and you need 75 cents for a gumball, how many more do you need for the gumball.
  2. I have 33 skateboard wheels. You give me 27 more. how many do i have now?
  3. Who was our 15th president?
  4. milk is good for your bones because:
  5. Who Invented nail polish
  6. who invented make up
  7. do you like justin bieber
  8. are girls and boys both awesome
  9. Did the malitia stop the british at bunker hill?
  10. True or false: the dutch door had two parts.

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Quiz topic: How smart am I