How smart are you?

How smart are you?Pick a number.I'm thinking of one between 1 and 100.Nope!It's -17!I told you you were DUM!!But I'm smart!I took the test and passed 100%!

Are YOU SMART?NO!!I am!Not you dirty little &%$#@*.Why don't you sit down,relax,and THINK ABOUT YOUR LIFE?!Ugh!Your such a little CREEP!Take the quiz to know that you're DUMB!

Created by: Emily of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is 12 times 43?
  2. What is water made of?
  3. Which indian tribe walked the trail of tears?
  4. H 2 O is also
  5. What is St. Lawrence river used for?
  6. What is Georgia's state bird?
  7. Where is the gulf of mexico?
  8. What states do the Appilachin trail run though?
  9. The longest living thing in the world is
  10. Where is Death Valley located?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?