How smart are you

How smart are you really? stupid, eeeeehhh..., reasonable,Very Intelligent, or Way too smart. Try to guess but you may be wrong or you might be correct.

If you try to guess which ones will make it say Way too smart you'll probably get Very Intelligent or Reasonable. Some things you might have to think of if there are words with multiple meanings if you answer as smart as you can

Created by: Brandon Florell
  1. Did people call you a nerd as a child?
  2. What is your age?
  3. What is your gender?
  4. Can you solve a rubik's cube?
  5. Do you do math for fun?
  6. Do you chew your finger nails?
  7. Do you practice good hygiene?
  8. Have you memorized a list of over 10 items?
  9. Are you good at vocabulary?
  10. Do you think you're smart?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I
