How smart are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How smart are you?
You are 41% smart.
You did pretty badly. Study. You are hopeless.
Just because I'd rather dye my hair blue than write a report? Who in their right mind would choose a library over an amusement park anyway? I mean, I do really like to read. I'm not denying that. But seriously?
Ok this quiz wasn’t bad I know I am smart but
It gave me 64% it’s okay though it’s a slightly inaccurate quiz. I mean it’s probabl really hard to make these and this was based on your habits
It asks you at the start of the quiz: “Are you a male or a female?” If you click “Male,” your intelligence percentage goes down. Just really -_-
I went back and tried that for myself, but changing my answer to "male" had no effect on my score.
i am smart
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