How smart are you?

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This quiz can test your IQ and test how smart are you. My friend, you can try to test and don't forget if you like my quiz, can you give me a good evaluate? Pls i beg you!

Im an beginer so if my quiz have any mistake, pls don't mind it!!! And can you pls give me a good evaluate if you think my quiz is great. Pls pls i beg you!!

Created by: Myy
  1. How many country that are member states of the United Nations ?
  2. When is the most hated invention( HOMEWORK ) was invented?
  3. Who invented light bulb?
  4. How many tigers left in this world?
  5. What 1+1?
  6. Substitute for the word "meals".
  7. Chose the option "hey boys;)".
  8. 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 =?
  9. How to save the cat when it fell?
  10. Finally, how many ant in this world?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?
