How Slav Are You Really? (Meme Version)

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-To fill in- Test to see if you are truly Slav or if you are truly not Slav. This is the only way of finding out the truth of your Slav instincts. Suka Blyat.

-To fill in (again)- I hate these quiz paragraphs... I want some way around them, Vadim! Find a way, will you? Good! ... VADIM!!! I said find a way around this! Oh... You did? Thanks, Vadim!

Created by: Dbradley_2002
  1. How often do you say "suka blyat" or "blyat" on a daily basis?
  2. Do watch Slav memes?
  3. Do you watch Life of Boris on YouTube?
  4. One of a few ultimate Slav questions: Do you Slav squat???
  5. Do you Slavic hard bass? (Ex. Narkotik Kal, Nash Gimn, Cheeki Breeki, etc.)
  6. "Hand me the mayonnaise blyat!"
  7. If you could, or if you can, would you drink vodka?
  8. What do you call your grandma?
  9. If you could, would you ever want to meet Boris of Life of Boris?
  10. (No affect) Like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Slav am I Really? (Meme Version)
