How similar are you to Peter Madsen?

Everyone says all humans are alike, well that may be true for everyone except Peter Madsen. Luckily for you theres a quick you can take, to find out just how demented you are!

The quiz is fairly short, but is an extremely accurate assessment tool, used by professionals in profiling sick individuals. This quiz is to be trusted.

Created by: Brag
  1. What is your name?
  2. Are you interested in submarines?
  3. Does your last name mean anything?
  4. Do you find Peter Madsen inspiring?
  5. You find yourself in a submarine with a young reporter, what would you do?
  6. What are your adult video preferences?
  7. A lot of people believe there is a man similar to Peter Madsen in one of the neighbouring countries, where would such a man live?
  8. You're walking along with a girl you met at a bar, the mood is nice and you're getting along well. What is your next move?
  9. After finishing your secondary education, would you consider a gap year?
  10. When looking for a new haircut, would you consider shaving your head?

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Quiz topic: How similar am I to Peter Madsen?
