How similar are you to me?

Are we similar? or are we polar opposites? find out now! ...........................jlndsbcfljdvsbchj dslhcv hsxvc hjxzv hxzbvhxzvchsxcbj dckdskvj dsbcjkdsbc

......why do I need so many characters? so stupid...................ok take the quiz now nosey............. srsly how many characters do I need dckjdsbchdv

Created by: xXLily13Xx
  1. what is ur favourite color
  2. to you say it as fav or fave
  3. are you an alt girly?
  4. best (American) football team on the list
  5. fave soda?
  6. introvert or extrovert
  7. good or bad girl
  8. do you have a phone or not?
  9. how many friends do u have?
  10. did you enjoy?

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Quiz topic: How similar am I to me?
