How Shy Are You?

There are many shy people and there many outgoing people in the world. Do you know which one you are? If you do not know, take this quiz. Take this quiz even if you think you know the answer.

ARE YOU SHY?? This quiz will tell you exactly how shy you are! Until now you could only wonder how shy you are. But thanks to this great quiz, you can find out the answer!

Created by: leaf101
  1. When your at a party, what do you do?
  2. You decide to paint your nails for school. Which Color do you go for?
  3. Do you wear makeup?
  4. You are invited to a party from your friend who goes to another school. What do you do?
  5. Which describes you best?
  6. Your at the mall with your best friend looking for a dress for the dance. Your friend gets this beautiful dress but you wouldn't wear it because:
  7. Your at a restaurant that you go to all the time, what do you order?
  8. How many secrets have you not told your best friend?
  9. Which word best describes you?
  10. Do you think you are shy?

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Quiz topic: How Shy am I?