How Shy Are You

Have You Ever Wondered If You Are Shy Or Not? Do You Want To See How Shy You Are? Are You Just Bored And Want To Take This Quiz For The Fun? Well, This Is For You!

Ok, This Quiz Will Tell You If You're Shy Or Not. This Might Not Be Accurate, But I Tried! So, Are You Ready To Take This Quiz! Alrighty Then, Let's Begin!

Created by: Person
  1. In Class, When The Teacher Ask You To Answer A Question, What Do You Do?
  2. Somebody Comes Up To You And Says Hi, You Respond By...
  3. Do You Think You're Shy?
  4. How Often Do You Talk?
  5. Are You Shy With Strangers Or With Everyone?
  6. Do People Try To Make You Talk Because You Never Do?
  7. I'm Running Out Of Questions
  8. What Do You Think You'll Get? (Doesn't Affect Your Score)
  9. Well, Bye!
  10. Smile!

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Quiz topic: How Shy am I