How shiny is your personality?

Hey everybody on Planet Earth, here is my quiz about how shiny your personality is. Is it like a ray of sunshine? Or like a piece of mud? We'll see by taking this quiz!

This is a quiz that I worked hard on, it may or may not be accurate, please rate and comment afterwards! I hope you enjoy it, and I hope your shininess matches the results! COMMENT!

Created by: Tsunami the SeaWing
  1. Do you like ice cream?
  2. If you see an injured bird on the ground, what will you do?
  3. Are you a girl or boy?
  4. Under 18 or above?
  5. If your friend is hurt, how would you help him/her?
  6. Someone makes fun of you. It really offends you. You
  7. A piece of wood comes alive next to you. It asks you to carve it legs so it can walk. What do you do?
  8. Thunder or lightning?
  9. You have a box full of gold coins. What do you do?
  10. Do you like rainy days or sunny days?
  11. Out of these, which is your favorite-sounding word?
  12. Will you comment or rate?

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Quiz topic: How shiny is my personality?
