How selfish are you?

How selfish do you think you are? Once you take this quiz, you will having a better understanding on that. Sometimes, making decisions that affect yourself or others in a bad way is difficult. In this quiz, you'll see many of those situations, often the answers are brought on truly by how selfless you are.

This quiz was made for entertainment purposes. It allows you to critically think through what you actually would do in situations about selfishness, and often are fun to ponder and think about. Please do not get upset if you receive results you don't agree with. Remember, this was made for entertainment. So do not take this too seriously.

Created by: Justin Weaver

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You see someone getting bullied physically at school. What do you do next?
  2. Imagine that kid who is getting bullied is your friend, now what do you do?
  3. There is a homeless man on the streets with a sign saying "anything helps". Your stopped at a light right next to that person. Supposing you have money what do you do?
  4. You got drunk with some friends and then decided to rob a bank with them because you were needy. All your other friends were caught, but you got away. Assuming you remembered what happened, what would you do next?
  5. You have the chance to become a hero and become filthy rich from a few elites.You need to be able to destroy a corporate business. If you had the power to destroy that business, would you?
  6. Two large pizzas are bought among 6 people, you included. Imagine everyone in that group has a little cash to pay for the pizzas, what would you do?
  7. You are given a gun, and told to shoot two out of three people. The other one lives. The first person is yourself, the second person is your best friend, and the third person is the president. Who do you shoot?
  8. Which personal value do you hold most dear?
  9. Which statement comes closest to the one you agree with?
  10. Would you murder someone to obtain true love or live the rest of your life in paradise?
  11. Would others say you are selfish?
  12. What do you think your result will be?

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Quiz topic: How selfish am I?