How Self Confident are You?

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This is a quiz to test self confidence. ENJO This spectacularly awesome quiz made by ILuvHolister. Hope you enjoy. I worked really hard on this and my other quizzes. Thanks to those who have taken, commented, and rated on my quizzes, it means a lot thanks.

So what do ya think of the quiz picture. Take my other quizzes, comment, rate, and be sure to tell everyone yoy know. Hope you like this quiz. Good Luck.

Created by: ILuvHolister

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You get to school walk into your class when suddenly people start laughing. What do u do?
  2. You hear bad rumors about you, you just found out who spread them and the whole football team has volunteereed to beat them up. What do you do?
  3. Do you always get upset after you look in the mirror?
  4. Do you always listen to depressing music, to make yourself feel better about you?
  5. Nobody has asked you out all year and your single.
  6. Someone you like goes up to you and starts saying compliments.
  7. For Girls... Do u wear makeup?
  8. Are you sad right now?
  9. Are you funny?
  10. Comment
  11. Rate

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Quiz topic: How Self Confident am I?