How Scorpio Are You

this quiz was designed to help you understand not just what it is to be a scorpio but also if you even really have the right to call yourself a scorpio ... or a scorpi-uh-oh

are you a scorpio? i don't think so ... oh what, you gonna proove me wrong? maybe youre al ittle more scorpio than i thought. doin the salsacha cha cha while controlling the world, or maybe just that kick ass beach bon fire while fishing for trout. hell ya, like that don't ya?

Created by: Paul Micky

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your favorite place in the world is
  2. whats the best music in the world
  3. i would rather be
  4. best television show ever
  5. the worst sign for me is
  6. your favorite food is
  7. when was the last time you rocked what you were doing
  8. my room is usually
  9. to relax i
  10. i look

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Quiz topic: How Scorpio am I