How Sam are you

Are you Sam? Find out with this handy quiz created by yours truly. Sam is a loser and she really sucks so I made this quiz to insult her. If you are Sam get out right now

WHo is Sam? Nobody really knows. I just made this quiz at random and I don't know what any of it means. I am actually a frog who found out how to use a computer.

Created by: Lmao
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How punk are you?
  2. What music do you listen to
  3. Which of these brotherly songs is your favorite
  4. Which instrument would you rather play
  5. What would you rather be reading right now
  6. Do you like cats
  7. What traits do you look for in a bf/gf
  8. Do you suck at playing the guitar
  9. Are you a loser
  10. Which Harry Potter house are you in

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Quiz topic: How Sam am I