How romantic are you?

Romance and love are two of the most complicated things in the world. But there are also people who embrace it as a fact, a convenient, or even something necessary.

Are YOU one of those people? If so, wow! However, don’t exaggerate too much, and remember that not being one of them is a fact, not a fault and surely not a crime!

Created by: Lucy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you ever kissed anybody?
  2. Has anybody ever kissed you?
  3. Are you married or do you intend to marry soon?
  4. A man kneels before your feet and asks you to marry him. How do you react?
  5. A woman kneels before your feet and asks you to marry her. How do you react?
  6. In your opinion, what does a heart represent and do you like what it represents?
  7. If you could choose between riches and your loved one (whether you’ve found him/her yet, I don’t know, but just imagine) which would you choose?
  8. Are you ready to sacrifice all you own for this loved one?
  9. Are you sexy? (Sorry for that one)
  10. And finally, when you were a kid, did you want to get married?

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Quiz topic: How romantic am I?