How Responsible are you?

There are many smart people like you and thats awesome keep going and you will get better ......nice...... you are responsable anough, but you can get even better

There are maany smart people like you and thats awesome keep going and you will get better ......nice...... you are responsable anough, but you can get even better

Created by: Hanna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What would you bring to class?
  2. What would you do during class?
  3. What would you do if you missed the instructions of a task?
  4. How often do you bathe the week?
  5. How many times do you brush your teeth a day? Be honest!
  6. Help at home with housework?
  7. Do you consider yourself a punctual person?
  8. What is more important for you?
  9. You like to take care of your things?
  10. Do you study for you exam or test?
  11. How much time do you study at home?
  12. If your mom asks you to wash the dishes would you do it?
  13. How long do you take bathing?
  14. Do you deliver your homework on time?
  15. When you're alone in the house, and your mom tells you (do not open it to anyone it does not matter if they knock the door, would you open the door if they start to knock?

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Quiz topic: How Responsible am I?