How Redneck are you?

Redneck is a widely abused term. Its usually related to "White Trash", which is just a plain ol' insult. A true redneck may seem to be trivial, but are truly a respectable lot. Salt of the earth and as loyal as a hound dog! Lets see what you are made of!

Do you have the Stars and Bars runnin thru your veins? Just answer these few questions and you will get a look into your true self. An epiphany of easy living and beer swilling!

Created by: Jack
  1. Whats your beverage of choice?
  2. Which band is the best?
  3. What do you drive?
  4. Tattoos?
  5. What brand of beer?
  6. Have you ever fished with a bamboo pole?
  7. If you see a hot woman with a hot turdcutter... you say?
  8. Know what the CSA is?
  9. What was Thomas Jacksons nickname?
  10. How many stars on the Rebel Flag?
  11. Grilled or Fried?

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Quiz topic: How Redneck am I?