how rare are you on animal jam?

this is a quiz to see how rare you are on animal jam! if you wanna be more rare then ur result, then get more rares! plz do this quiz! and happy jamming every1!

Are you rare? do you have the most rares in all of jamma? do this wuiz to find out! the result will tell you how rares you are! now stop staring and do the quiz!

Created by: Amy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many rares do you have?
  2. gender?
  3. how old are you?
  4. how many gems do you have?
  5. how many diamonds?
  6. are you a member? if yes, then how long?
  7. do you ever wish you could get free rares? email randomxxi9999@ gmail . com
  8. do you ever wish you were a member?
  9. what animal do you usually use?
  10. OK LAST QUESTION WILL DECIDE YOUR FATE! question: if someone said hello to u on AJ, what would you do?

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Quiz topic: How rare am I on animal jam?