How Rare Are You?

"There are many smart people but,few true geniuses. A genius is a very smart person that knows alot of stuff to do this quiz u must be a clever person."

Are You a genius to do this quiz or not? Do u have the brainpower to do this. I hope so but the most inportant thing is as long as u had fun doing this quiz

Created by: Destiny of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. About how many rares do you have?
  2. Who is your fav famous person?
  3. Would u trade or gift your rares
  4. Where did u get your rares
  5. Gift me your rares!
  6. Skully on trade!
  7. Rares on trade!
  8. What would u do if u saw a rare necklase in store?
  9. Snowyclaw!!
  10. Spikes are back in stores!
  11. Did u like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Rare am I?