How Rare And Famous You Are In Animal Jam

Lol this is a quiz about how rare you are in Animal Jam and if you may become rare/famous. Lol :3 :P :D Enjoy! Please! Lol! Just. ENJOY THIS PLZ PLZ PLZ AND BE HAPPY!!!

I am cejmr5 on animal jam. On youtube, search '' cejmr5 animal jam '' for my vids. Again, plz enjoy and forever be happy and crazy 4 animal jam!!!!!!!

Created by: cejmr5
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do You Make Animal Jam Videos? If So, About What?
  2. How Many Rares and Betas do you have?
  3. How Long Have You Been Playing Animal Jam?
  4. Do people follow you and say, ''CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH!?'' Or ''LOOK! THERES(your user)!!!!''
  5. If you make Animal Jam Videos, How many subscribers do you have?
  6. Are You A Famous Person? If So, Who?
  7. Are you a scammer?
  8. Are You Shy?
  9. What Is Your RAREST Item ( or closest to yours )
  10. Do you watch '' Cejmr5 and 82518's '' animal jam Videos?
  11. Are you AJHQ?

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