How randomly smart are you

Are you smart If you are Then take my Quiz to find out So now go and do your home work you naughty kids Get out of here and do your homework Hahahahaha

More love less ego Now if you live in america Or canada you should get all But if you live in africa you cant get any of these And africas are dumb i can tell cause i live in nigeria

Created by: Maxwell
  1. What is biology
  2. How many inches does the moon move away from the earth each year
  3. When did america gain independence
  4. Are humans animals
  5. WHat is paper no effect
  6. Full meaning of ORT
  7. What is SSS
  8. Is there a massive black hole in the middle of our galaxy
  9. Do u like my quiz
  10. Will u rate
  11. Is alpha lame

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Quiz topic: How randomly smart am I