how random are yu??

i made this quiz because i just wanted to see how many would take it i spent a long time thinking about this i hope noone got offended by some of my answeres thank you

are you random? do you think your random? well in just a few minutes you will find out so go go & recomend this to your friend!!!!!!!

Created by: bigg angiee

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. if some one said STOPP!!! yu would sayy.......
  2. someone droppes somethnn' yu sayy......
  3. when a teacher says where are yu goin' (& yu kno yur goinn' to get in trouble) yu says........
  4. whenever yu see a chinese person whats the first thing that goes thru yur minndd???
  5. when a black person says its letter one yu thinkk.....
  6. if an old creepy guy said hi to yu & yu said hi back what were yu thinnkkin'???
  7. BLAHHH I RANN OUT OF QUESTIONNS!!!! imma be ghetto in the next onee!
  8. iff yewwh fallleedd off ayhhe bridgee & yurrh frandds rann ahhwayy whenn dahhh policce savedd yewwh wouldd telll yurrh frandss.....
  9. iff yewwh fallleedd off ayhhe bridgee & yurrh frandds rann ahhwayy whenn dahhh policce savedd yewwh wouldd telll yurrh frandss.....
  10. yur in a mexican restarunt yu see a mmexican dude withh the longestt mustachiooo everr yu...

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