How random are you?

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There are lots of people in the world. But not as many random people. Find out how random you are on a scale from 0-100. Are you a jibberish speaker or a logical pointer?

Are YOU random? Or are you a logic person at everything? Do you focus on tests or be random all the way through them? How do you think? Random thoughts and jibberish? Or facts and answers? Find out in this quiz, and good luck!

Created by: THE Flutterdash
  1. First of all, I would like to say... Hi!
  4. How many chucks could a wood chuck chuck if a would chuck could chuck wood?
  5. Why did you come to this quiz? (No effect)
  7. Disney World?
  8. Boom!
  9. The Pinkie Pie of teh sky
  10. How did you like this quiz? (No effect)
  11. Bye! (No effect)

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Quiz topic: How random am I?