How random are you?

Many people try to be random, but few are actually random. Others just 'copy' what the true geniuses of randomness try to come up with, as many people don't have the imagination required.

So, are you one of the founders of modern randomness? Do you constantly stand there with your friends laughing your heads off? Do you leave your enemies thinking 'what the hell?' This quiz separates the truly random from the fakers and the plain boring people.

Created by: gothchick42
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The dinosaur in Godzila died!
  2. ur a geek!
  3. wat did u eat last nite?
  4. If i was a KILLER ROBOT you would say...
  5. which is better? :) or :D
  6. The mall BURNT DOWN so you...
  7. Favourite playground game
  8. did you answer the past 7 questions honestly?
  10. this is the last question! YIPEE!!!!!
  11. JKS ppl THIS is the last question
  12. the REAL last question: Did u like this quiz? (this question does not affect ur answer)

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Quiz topic: How random am I?