How Pusheen are you

Hi! i'm like a super Pusheen fan so I wanted to know how pusheeny I was, but there weren't any quizzes, so I made one! hi there. Always love pusheen! Love

Enjoy! Have Fun! Au revoir! Goodbye! Have a nice trip! Goodbye! Enjoy becoming Pusheen! _-_-_ :) 1234567890 ^^>< Meow!!!!!!!!!!!! Pusheen loves you all!

Created by: pastel
  1. Would you like to be pet?
  2. How chubby are you?
  3. What comes next? 1. see a pumpkin2. taste a pumpkin 3. Carve a pumpkin
  4. Pusheenicorn's Beauty tips:
  5. Do you like Super Pusheenicorn's pastel guardians?
  6. hi.
  7. -
  8. _
  9. -
  10. yay to u all do u like glitter?

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Quiz topic: How Pusheen am I

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