this ouiz is fun not boring will keep you awake so yeah i dont know much really to tell you other then try this ouiz out have and awsome time good for you hope your happy i dont really care neither do you but i am sayin it any way vcause i want to so yeah deal with it or ill be mad not really again and trully get a life move on have some freakin fun already

Are you a punk/rocker? do you even like rock? do you listen to rock alot or a little? just take the quiz to find out if you are or if your not come on you know it will be fun

Created by: MRS GATES

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who is you fave musicians out of these
  2. who is hotter out of these people
  3. who is the hottie out of these people
  4. who are a great influence on alot of rock bands or even to you
  5. who would you trap to your bed
  6. what is your faveorite fun thing to do
  7. what do u like to wear
  8. do you write songs or peoms or do you write anything
  9. ok are you bored
  10. bla bla

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Quiz topic: HOW PUNK ROCKER am I