How Punk Are You?

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this description is pretty pointless, i mean the title practically tells you what kind of quiz you'll be taking.'HOW PUNK ARE YOU???!?!?!??!" yeah, that's pretty much it, only not as effusive.

do YOU ever wonder how punk you are??1!/1?!! just take this RAD quiz to find out how TRULY punk you actually are!!!11!!1 (sarcasm) but seriously if you wanna see how punk you are, check out this quiz.

Created by: lukeisahuman
  1. What is your favorite genre of music?
  2. Approximately, how many bracelets do you wear daily?
  3. What is your favorite band(s)?
  4. How many years were mcr together before they broke up?
  5. What is your favorite color?
  6. What do you spend most of your time doing?
  7. What is your favorite store?
  8. How long have Green Day been together? (currently 2014)
  9. When you hear 'okay' what do you think of?
  10. What type of clothing do you normally wear?

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Quiz topic: How Punk am I?