How psychic are you?

People like to be psychic! It's fun to read minds and so funny pranks with ESP. If you're planning to be a psychic, then you better pass this quiz. You better!

So yeah. Are you excited? You may be a psychic star!!! Or a dumpy loser. Oh well. I recommend a lucky charm of some sort to help you out. You may really need it.

Created by: SonicSwagger
  1. What letter is cool?
  2. Fave Color?
  3. Pick one.
  4. How cool am I?
  5. Lol
  6. Do you think you're psychic?
  7. My name is SonicSwagger. Which one matches yours?
  8. Which one?
  9. If you get over 80% on this quiz, you're keel. Ya?
  10. Ready?

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Quiz topic: How psychic am I?