How proud to be Chinese are you?

This quiz is about those who want to test there Chineseness. Take it and see how Chinese you are! We face hard time and we face good times but together we can win this!

Are you Chinese? Good, I thought so, this test will help you to realise your strengths and weaknesses. We face hard time and we face good times but together we can win this!

Created by: Shi Mei Qu of My Space profile
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you proud to be Chinese?
  2. Where were you born?
  3. Do you speak Chinese as your first language?
  4. Dr. Sun Yat-Sen or Chairman Mao?
  5. What is your view of Africa?
  6. Which dialect do you speak? Mandarin or Cantonese?
  7. If you were born outside of China, do you consider your'self Chinese?
  8. Do you consider Chinese Eurasians as Chinese? (mixed white/Han Chinese)
  9. who do you prefer, Coco Lee or Lucy Liu?
  10. What is your view on the current Chinese government?

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Quiz topic: How proud to be Chinese am I?