How proper is your Warrior cat OC

Hey!! So I did a how would your OC get along with mine a little while ago. So I’ve made a new one, is your Warrior cat OC proper? Find out in this quiz!

Why do I need to type in this? Ugh, doesn’t make any sense, okay, and it’s at almost a hundred… okay, it’s soon to be done….. ugh! Why do I need, oh, it’s done.

Created by: Widowsight
  1. Alright, what is your coat color? Sorry if your coat isn’t on here
  2. Next, what rank are you?
  3. Are you at war with any clans?
  4. Do you have any powers?
  5. Do you believe in Starclan?
  6. Which clan do you live in?
  7. Do you live in a magical place?
  8. Which name sounds best?
  9. Okay, last question, does your warrior cat OC have pets?
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: How proper is my Warrior cat OC
