How popular are you really by

Hey guys! My name is marina, I'm 9 years old and I work with a company called Making quizzes had been a great inspiration to all of us so I decided to make a quiz about how popular you are so for once you could find the true meaning of popular. I am not that popular however, my friends are.

Are you popular? until now you could only wonder. Us coolkids have only made our fourth quiz so I hope you enjoy it! so, let's get started. Good luck!

Created by:
  1. What colour is your eyes?
  2. How many friends do you have?
  3. How do you dress up?
  4. How many party's have you been invited to?
  5. What job do you think you will have when you grow up?
  6. Have you been on TV - X factor or BGT?
  7. Do people get bored of you
  8. How would you describe yourself?
  9. Is this test annoying you?
  10. How popular do you think you are?

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Quiz topic: How popular am I really by